4 Things To Check For When Purchasing A Used Car

15 February 2017
 Categories: , Blog


When it comes to purchasing a used car, there are a few more risks at hand because the car has a history that can affect the car's ability to function and look as you want it to. For this reason, you should know what to check when purchasing a used car to be sure that you are getting the best deal possible. Here are four things to check:

  1. All Safety Features: The first thing to check before you even test drive the vehicle is all the safety features. You want to be sure that the windshield wipers work, as well as the blinkers, hazard lights, headlights, brake lights, horn, and more. Once you know that all of these things are working, you can be sure that you do not have immediate costs to repair the car once you purchase and take it off the lot. 
  2. Potential Oil Leak: If you notice that there are oil stains underneath where the used car is parked, you can request that it is checked for an oil leak. If so, be sure that this is repaired before you even purchase the vehicle. Otherwise, you will find yourself having to refill the vehicle with oil and repair the oil line yourself fairly soon after your purchase of the car. 
  3. The Brakes: When you test drive the vehicle, be sure that you roll down the windows to listen to the brakes. If there is any squealing or other sounds, then the brakes need repairs. You should also brake when driving at a faster rate to check that the brakes stop in time without vibrating. If there is vibrating, this also indicates that the brakes need repairs. 
  4. The Interior: Be sure to check the interior thoroughly to be sure that there are no tears in the carpet underneath the carpet lining. You also want to check under any seat covers that are currently in the vehicle. You should also find if there are any cracks in the side doors, glove compartment, and more. The more thorough your inspection, the better you can be sure that you are purchasing a fairly new used vehicle that will not significantly lower in value. The interior condition makes a huge difference in value. 

When you check for these four things, you can be sure that you are getting a used car for a great deal. Besides, when you purchase from a used car dealership, they will ensure that anything that is found wrong will be repaired so that you can be comfortable driving off the lot with it. Contact a dealership like Wright Select for more tips and information.